French EM DVD   German FWWM DVD   US Dune DVD
David Lynch on DVD

UK Dune DVDFrench Dune DVDAll of David Lynch's feature-length films are available on DVD somewhere in the world. Here you'll find the latest info on what's rumored and what's available now. If you have any info on dvd releases not listed here, especially outside the US, email me.

Notice: Almost all DVDs are region encoded. On most players you will only be able to play discs from the region you purchased the player in. However, there are modifications you can do and upgrades you can purchase to make your player region switchable or regionless. There are also places you can buy regionless and region switchable players from.

There are 6 regions. Players and discs are identified by the region number superimposed on a world globe. Here's a quick breakdown of the DVD regions:
1: Canada, U.S., U.S. Territories (NTSC)
2: Japan (NTSC), Europe (PAL), South Africa, Middle East (including Egypt)
3: Southeast Asia, East Asia (including Hong Kong)
4: Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, Mexico, South America, Caribbean
5: Former Soviet Union, Indian Subcontinent, Africa (also North Korea, Mongolia)
6: China

Japanese Eraserhead DVD   Japanese Dune DVD   Japanese Lynch box set   Japanese Dune DVD (tv)   Japanese BV DVD

To order region 1 DVDs:

Places to order non-region 1 DVDs for people in the USA:
Blackstar: UK region 2 discs. Free shipping offered including to the US.
LADA: Japanese region 2 DVDs.

Early Short Films (Six Men Getting Sick, The Alphabet, The Grandmother, The Amputee, Premonitions Following an Evil Deed and The Cowboy and The Frenchman.):
USA: Lynch's short films are available on DVD from his website store at The disc is not region encoded.

French Eraserhead DVDEraserhead:
USA (region 1): Eraserhead was released in 2003 via the store at You can read our review of the disc here. Other online reviews of the disc are also available from dvdfile, dvdbreakdown, and dvdverdict.
Japan (region 2 NTSC): A David Lynch DVD Box set was released in Japan. It included both the theatrical and TV cuts of Dune, as well as Blue Velvet and Eraserhead. You can also buy Eraserhead separate from the set. All the transfers in the set are LD ports so they are not anamorphic and have a good bit of edge enhancement.
A new Japanese DVD of Eraserhead has been released to replace the old non-anamorphic transfer. The new Eraserhead is anamorphic 16:9 Widescreen with a Dolby Digital 2.0 soundtrack. There's some grain and a fair share of scratches. Extras include two theatrical trailers and a Japanese TV spot. Thanks to Andreas Riis Paulsen for the info on the new disc.
France (region 2 PAL): A French (region 2 PAL) Eraserhead DVD is available. The disc is from the same soundtrack remaster the Japanese DVD uses and features a DD 2.0 English soundtrack. It is full frame. You can get details of the disc here.
Spain (region 2 PAL): Eraserhead is available in Spain as a part of a David Lynch DVD box set containing it, Dune and the Straight Story. EH is presented full frame with Dolby Digital Mono sound. (thanks to Denise Gannon for the infomation).
UK (region 2 PAL): A UK version of the disc is available. The UK disc has some problems with compression artifacts and a poor contrast level. It uses the same remastered soundtrack that the Japanese version uses. The UK disc contains the original theatrical trailer, a bio of Lynch, and filmography with a few omissions and errors.

UK Eraserhead DVD menu

It is full frame from an open matte transfer, so it actually shows more picture than the widescreen version. See the image below for a comparison.

Australia (region 4): 1.33:1 aspect ratio, animated menu screen, 2 page biography and filmography (with errors), 1 theatrical trailer, DVD credits. Same problem with poor contrast levels inherent in Region 2 UK disk. Released by Siren Entertainment in association with David Lynch Productions. Distributed by The AV Channel. (Thanks to Adam Harding for the info)

Elephant Man:
USA (region 1): Paramount released this title in 2001. Here are the official specs:
EM US DVD Elephant Man
ID: PAR013474DVD - $29.99 - PG
UPC: 097360134742 - 123 min. - 1980
Preorder: 10/23/2001 - Paramount
Street: 12/11/2001 - Drama
16x9 - 2.35:1 - B&W - English - 5.1 Dolby Digital, Surround - Dubbed Language(s): French - Subtitle(s): English - CC - Region 1
Anne Bancroft, Anthony Hopkins, Freddie Jones, John Gielgud, John Hurt, Wendy Hiller - Director: David Lynch
"The Elephant Man" has been acclaimed by critics the world over for cinematographic excellence and for its outstanding story of the triumph of human dignity. The film is based on the true story of John Merrick (John Hurt), a grotesquely deformed man who is shown compassion for the first time by a dedicated surgeon (Anthony Hopkins). Anne Bancroft, John Gielgud and Wendy Hiller co-star in this unforgettable motion picture.
Trailer; Narrated Photo Gallery; Retrospective Cast & Crew Interviews including John Hurt, executive producer Mel Brooks, producer Jonathan Sanger, make-up designer and creator Chrstopher Tucker and director of photography Freddie Francis.
You can order the DVD from here.

Japanese EM dvdJapan (region 2 NTSC): The Japanese disc contains the film in the proper aspect ratio and a theatrical trailer. Image quality is pretty good You can order the Japanese region 2 NTSC disc from LADA.
France (region 2 PAL):The french disc contains the theatrical trailer and filmography of the actors and Lynch. It is in the proper 2.35:1 aspect ratio. It includes a MPEG 1.0 soundtrack in English and French. You can get more details on the French region 2 disc here and here.
UK (region 2 PAL): Elephant Man was released in the UK on May 14, 2001 by Momentum. It is priced at £17.99. The disk is a part of the "Director's Chair" series. It is a 2:35:1 anamorphic, single sided, dual layered disc. Languages are English (stereo - Dolby Surround), Italian (mono) and Spanish (mono) with English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and Turkish subtitles. The 64 page book "One of Us: David Lynch and The Elephant Man" is part of the limited edition version. The disc also includes a photo gallery and the theatrical trailer. You can read a review of the disc here. (Thanks to Dean Selby and John Walker for the details).
Finland (region 2): Features an anamorphic 2,35:1 aspect ratio and Dolby Digital 2.0 sound. Extras are supposed to be extremely minimal (trailer etc.). Distributor: Sandrew Metronome Finland. (Thanks to Janne Erkkilä for the info)
Australia (region 4): 2.30:1 aspect ratio, anamorphically enhanced, 1 theatrical trailer, short biographies and select filmographies, photo gallery. Very severe aliasing artifacts are present in this transfer. Released by Studio Canal. Distributed by Universal. (Thanks to Adam Harding for the info)

Spanish Lynch DVD set USA (region 1): Available from Universal Home Video. The disc contains the theatrical trailer, filmography and production notes. It is in the proper aspect ratio but is non-anamorphic. Universal is also looking into a new DVD release of Dune. From a chat transcript with David Shin, Director of Interactive Marketing for Universal Home Video: "This (Dune) is a title we will most likely revisit for a future release (new version). As to any specifics, nothing has been confirmed."
You can order the US Dune DVD here.
Japan (region 2 NTSC): A David Lynch DVD Box set was released in Japan (NTSC region 2). It included both the theatrical and TV cuts of Dune, as well as Blue Velvet and Eraserhead. You could also buy it separate from the set. All the transfers in the set are LD ports so they are not anamorphic. The theatrical version is in the proper aspect ratio. The TV version is full frame.
A new Japanese DVD of Dune has been released. It's anamorphic 2.35:1 with a Dolby Digital 2.0 soundtrack. Extras include a still gallery. Thanks to Andreas Riis Paulsen for the info on the new disc.
France (region 2 PAL): Available from Pioneer. The disc contains the film, bios, and the making of Dune. There are both English and French DD 2.0 soundtracks. You can get more information here.
UK (region 2 PAL): Castle Music released a widescreen Dolby Digital 5.1 version of the disc in the UK (region 2). The TV version of Dune was released on DVD in the UK on September 18.
Germany (region 2 PAL): Several versions of Dune have been released on DVD in Germany, all of them with poor transfers. A new "Perfect Collection" version was released on July 1, 2003. It includes a full disc of extras. You can read the review here.
Spain (region 2 PAL): Dune is available in Spain as a part of a David Lynch DVD box set containing it, Eraserhead and the Straight Story. It is presented 2.35:1 with Dolby Digital Mono sound. (thanks to Denise Gannon for the infomation).
Finland (region 2):The aspect ratio is 1,33:1, sound is Dolby Digital 2.0. The quality is poor. Extras: trailer. Distributor: Scanbox Jupiter Finland. (Thanks to Janne Erkkilä for the info)
Hong Kong (region 3 NTSC): Dune has been reported to be out in Hong Kong on DVD, but with the high number of bootlegs coming out of HK it's hard to know if it is a legit disc or not.
Australia (region 4): 2.30:1 aspect ratio, non-anamorphically enhanced, animated main menu, scene selection animation, extensive production notes (with numerous spelling errors), detailed cast & crew biographies, 2 theatrical trailers. Released by Universal. Distributed by Infogrames in association with Force Video. (thanks to Adam Harding for the info)

USA (region 1): MGM released a new special edition DVD of Blue Velvet to replace the older one released in 2000. Here are the specs:
Blue Velvet (Special Edition)
ID: MGM1003504DVD - $24.98 - R
UPC: 027616876546 - 120 min. - 1986
Preorder: 4/30/2002 - MGM/UA
Street: 6/4/2002 - Mystery/Suspense
16x9 - 2.35:1 - English - 5.1 Dolby Digital, Mono, Stereo - Dubbed Language(s): French, Spanish - Subtitle(s): English, French, Portuguese, Spanish - CC - Region 1
Brad Dourif, Dean Stockwell, Dennis Hopper, Frances Bay, Hope Lange, Isabella Rossellini, Jack Nance, Kyle MacLachlan, Laura Dern - Director: David Lynch
Cleancut college boy Jeffrey finds his Mayberry-like hometown is not so normal when he discovers a human ear in a field. His investigation catapults him into an alluring, erotic murder mystery involving a disturbed nightclub singer and a drug-addicted sadist. Soon Jeffrey's led deeper into their depraved existence finding himself obsessed with this dark, enigmatic underworld, to the point of no return.
"Are You a Pervert?" Deleted Scenes Featurette; Photo Gallery; "Mysteries of Love" Documentary Featuring Rare Interviews with David Lynch, Isabella Rossellini, Kyle MacLachlan and Other Cast & Crew; Siskel & Ebert Critical Review
You can pre-order it here.
MGM's original Blue Velvet was released in the US (region 1) on April 25, 2000. The disc is anamorphic widescreen. There are two extras: the trailer and a hidden Easter Egg collage of scenes from the movie combined with interesting messages that plays like a commercial for the city of Lumberton. To access the easter egg, highlight (but don't select) "play movie" and press the left arrow key. This adds a new menu option called "Strange World" in the upper part of the screen. You can read's review of the disc here. You can order the DVD here.
Japan (region 2 NTSC): A David Lynch DVD Box set is out in Japan (NTSC region 2). It includes both the theatrical and TV cuts of Dune, as well as Blue Velvet and Eraserhead. You can also buy it separate from the set. All the transfers in the set are LD ports so they are not anamorphic, but all are almost the correct aspect ratio.
UK (region 2 PAL): Blue Velvet is available in the UK on two different DVDs by Castle Music, one pan and scan and one widescreen. The pan and scan one has poor encoding and looks horrible. It is just the film with no extras, and reports are that the image quality isn't that much better than VHS. The widescreen one is cropped to 1:78:1, so it's not a true widescreen version. It does contain a 45-minute interview with Dennis Hopper but most of it is about his career, not the film.
There's a rumor that Sanctuary Digital Entertainment (new owners of Castle Music) will be releasing another DVD of Blue Velvet, this time in the proper aspect ratio. They are also searching for deleted scenes (good luck!).
Finland (region 2):Appears to be from the same transfer as Castle's UK disc. Aspect ratio is 1,33:1, sound - according to the back cover - is Dolby Digital 2.0 but it sounds more like mono. Both sound and video resemble very much something a recorded-from-TV-to-VHS-during-a-snowstorm -videocassette would be. Extras include cast presentations in text format. Even though it's pan&scan, the frame doesn't "pan" or "scan" - frame just stays locked in some position, so when someone leaves the frame, we are left looking at an empty couch etc. Distributor: Scanbox Jupiter Finland. (Thanks to Janne Erkkilä for the info)

Wild At Heart:
USA (region 1): MGM now owns the US DVD rights and have finally admited it. They claim they may visit this title sometime in 2003, but nothing is set in stone. A new transfer and sound mix has been completed for the disc.
Japan (region 2 NTSC): The disc is a poor transfer though. For one thing, only the credits are in the proper 2.35:1 aspect ratio, the rest is 1.85:1. The contrast of the image is rather poor and there are no extras at all. It's also grainy as hell.
UK (region 2 PAL): Wild At Heart was scheduled for release earlier in 2003, but the disc was recalled due to picture issues. It will be re-released July 7th. No word on if it'll be the new Lynch-supervised transfer and sound mix or not.
France (region 2 PAL): Wild At Heart was to be released in France on May 25, 2001 by TF1 (thanks to both Stephane Christl and David Paté for the info). But that date has come and gone with no sign of the disc.

Twin Peaks:
TP US DVDUSA (region 1): Artisan has released the first season of Twin Peaks on DVD. Here are the official specs:
Twin Peaks: The First Season (Special Edition)
ID: ART10089DVD - $59.98 - Not Rated
UPC: 017153100891 - 336 min. - 1990
Preorder: 10/30/2001 - Artisan
Street: 12/18/2001 - TV Classics
Full Frame - Color - English - 5.1 Dolby Digital, 5.1 DTS, Surround - Region 1
Joan Chen, Kyle MacLachlan, Lara Flynn Boyle, Michael Ontkean, Sherilyn Fenn
Director David Lynch's shockingly original television series mesmerized American audiences when its two-hour pilot episode aired on April 8, 1990, forever changing the face of prime-time television in the process. The full first season (ep. 1-7) of bizarre, ingenious, hysterical, terrifying stories set in the Pacific Northwest logging town of Twin Peaks. Gradually, the town's facade of extreme normality crumbles, revealing an endless barrage of schemes, fronts, and hidden relationships that expose Twin Peaks as the disturbed, unsettling town that it is.
Box Set; Director's Commentary on Selected Episodes (NOTE: No commentaries by David Lynch); Interviews; Archival Material from the Fanzine for "Twin Peaks"- "Wrapped In Plastic"; Log Lady Introductions. NOTE: This collection does not contain the original pilot episode, as Artisan Home Entertainment does not own the rights to it
You can order the first season DVD here.
There are several DVD easter eggs on the Twin Peaks set. First, on the menu for each episode, select "episode features," then press the up arrow button until you see the flame icon appear. Select it. Depending on which episode it is, you will get a brief outtake clip from one of the commentary track sessions: Episode 1: Director Duwayne Dunham
Episode 2: Series Director of Photography Frank Byers
Episode 3: Director Tina Rathborne
Episode 4: Director Tim Hunter
Episode 5: Director Lesli Linka Glatter
Episode 6: Director Caleb Deschanel
Episode 7: Series Production Designer Richard Hoover
Tibet: DVD credits
Another easter egg is a short film edited by Michael Anderson. Start playing the Mark Frost interview, then press the back button. It will start the film playing.
There's also an ad for if you go to title 30 on the fourth disc. The ad includes the phone number for booth 9 at the site.
Since the first season sold very well.
Artisan no longer has the rights to Twin Peaks and will not be releasing Season 2. Any Season 2 set would come from Pramount. Hopefully they'll port over whatever they have planned for the other regions (expected late in 2003) to a region 1 release.
The rights to the pilot are owned by Paramount. If you wish, email them at and ask them to release the pilot on DVD. You might want to ask them for Season 2 while you're at it.
Japan (region 2 NTSC): Season 1 (including the Pilot) is available in Japan. Other than the inclusion of the pilot, the disc is the same as the US version.
Germany (region 2 PAL): Season 1 of Twin Peaks was released on DVD by Paramount on September 5, 2002. While it does include the pilot, it looks like they didn't use the new master, but instead a copy from German TV. Oh well, at least it has the pilot. Other extras are the same as the US disc. You can read a full review from here. Thanks to Lynchnet Discussion Board member Hop for the link.
Sweeden (region 2): The Peaks box set was released in on May 15, 2002. It features a dolby digital 5.1 english soundtrack, subtitles in svensk, dansk, fisnk and norsk. Like the other R2 sets, it includes the pilot. Other details are the same as the US set. (thanks to Anders Karlström for the info)
Spain (region 2): A dvd set of the entire series has been released in Spain. However, the quality is very poor, not much better than vhs. Needless to say these discs are not taken from Lynch's new transfers. Avoid this set at all costs. Here are the deails on the set anyway:
DVD FEATURES (thanks to Denise Gannon for all the info and pictures)
* 8 DVD set that contains the original aired TV version Pilot and all 29 Episodes
* Spanish & English Audio Options
* Removable Spanish Subtitles (See below for instructions on how to remove the subtitles)
* Photo Galleries
As with most english audio Manga Films (Spain) DVDs the Spanish subtitles are 'forced' during playback of the English Track. There is a simply way to disable these subtitles by doing the following:
1. Go to the 'Audio/Subtitles Menu' and select 'English Audio with Spanish Subtitles'
2. Begin the Movie
3. Select the Main Menu by using the remote control
4. Go back to the 'Audio/Subtitles Menu' and select 'Without Subtitles'
5. Begin the Movie again and the Spanish subtitles will be disabled
Hong Kong: (Pilot only) The master is taken from a PAL source, noticeable because of the slight increase in speed. The encoding is only so-so and does include quite a bit of artifacting. The reds tend to blur a bit as they did on the LD and VHS versions. There are also some audio issues with the surround tracks. Still, since Paramount will probably never release the TV version on DVD, you might want to pick up a copy. You can read's review of the disc here.

Fire Walk With Me:
UK FWWM DVDUSA (region 1):You can order the FWWM DVD online here. Here's the official press release from New Line for the FWWM DVD:

LOS ANGELES (December 24, 2001) With consumer demand at its "peak", Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me makes its DVD debut on February 26, 2002 from New Line Home Entertainment. Acclaimed Director David Lynch (Mulholland Drive, The Straight Story) revisits the mysterious town of Twin Peaks, which first gained fame through the quirky TV series that introduced audiences to the mystery of "Who Killed Laura Palmer?" In this feature-length prequel to the television series, the last seven days of Laura Palmer's troubled life are explored. For this long awaited DVD, Lynch has supervised the remastering of the video and sound to meet his specifications. The Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me DVD is available for $19.98. The film is also available on VHS for $14.95.
The film begins with two federal agents (Kyle MacLachlan, TV's "Sex and the City" and Chris Isaak, TV's "The Chris Isaak Show") who arrive in Twin Peaks and unravel the bizarre clues, mysterious disappearances and strange happenings that lead to the death of local girl Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee, John Carpenter's Vampires). The investigation plunges deep beneath the facade of a town where nothing is as it seems.
The Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me DVD features a 16 x 9 widescreen (1.85:1) version of the film, 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound, 5.1 DTS Surround Sound and Stereo Surround Sound in English and French. The DVD includes an original documentary, "Reflections on the Phenomenom of Twin Peaks," featuring new on-camera interviews with the cast and crew, as well as the theatrical trailer, animated menus, English and French subtitles and closed captions. The DVD is also DVD-ROM enabled.
The film features an eclectic cast of actors that include not only MacLachlan, Isaak and Lee, but also Kiefer Sutherland (TV's "24", Dark City), Moira Kelly (TV's "The West Wing", The Cutting Edge), Harry Dean Stanton (The Green Mile, The Mighty), Miguel Ferrer (Traffic), David Bowie (Basquiat), Ray Wise (Two Can Play That Game), Pamela Gidley (The Little Vampire), Madchen Amick (Sleepwalkers) and Peggy Lipton (The Postman), as well as Director David Lynch himself.
New Line Home Entertainment distributes all of New Line Cinema and Fine Line Features theatrical films on video and select titles on DVD, including the new premium DVD brand infinifilmÔ. The company also distributes feature films and non-theatrical programs acquired or produced by New Line Home Entertainment and New Line Television. New Line Cinema is the leading independent producer and distributor of theatrical films. New Line also licenses its films to ancillary markets including cable and broadcast television as well as in all international markets.
MPAA RATING: Rated R for strong violence, sex, and drug content, and for language.
TRT: 134 minutes

New Line chose not to spring for the deleted scenes at this time, but if this disc sells well they many do so on a future release.
There's a brief clip from FWWM on their Dark City DVD, and the trailer for FWWM is available on New Line's Hidden, Mother Night and In the Mouth of Madness DVDs. The FWWM releated material on each disc can be found in the actor's bios section by selecting the icon next to FWWM in the filmography list.
France (region 2 PAL): MK2 is in production on a DVD of Fire Walk With Me. They are working on having the deleted scenes included on the disc and probably have a better chance than New Line did since they are a French company. Lynch has met with them about the scenes but no word yet on an outcome. More details as they are announced.
UK (region 2 PAL): Second Sight released Fire Walk With Me on DVD on September 17th, 2001. The disc is 16x9 enhanced, and is in the 1.85:1 aspect ratio. It contains an English DD 2.0 Surround soundtrack. There are no extras. Retail price is £15.99. The print used for the transfer is scratched up pretty badly. You can read a review of the disc here.
Germany (region 2 PAL): FWWM is out in Germany as a region 2 PAL DVD. It includes cast and director bios, the trailer and production notes. It is not widescreen (though FWWM was shot full frame in the first place and matted to 1.85:1). Also, it only contains the dubbed German soundtrack, not the original English one (thanks to Jerome Maro for the soundtrack info).
Japan (region 2 NTSC): Fire Walk With Me has been released in Japan on DVD. The disc contains a Japanese and English soundtrack (both DD 2.0) as well as removable Japanese subtitles.

Korea (region 3 NTSC): Fire Walk With Me is available as a two disc set in Korea. Disc one is identical to the US relased with the addition of Korean subtitles. Disc two is the extended version of Pretty as a Picture, but without the extras found on the US dvd of that title.

Australia Lost HighwayLost Highway:
USA (region 1): In a recent Video Business article USA Films stated a Special Edition DVD of Lost Highway is in the works. The disc will feature a new 5.1 soundtrack. Most of the work on the disc has been completed, but with USA Home Video's catalog being absorbed into Universal, the disc has disapeared into limbo. No word on if or when Universal will release it.
Canada (region 1): This one is barely worth mentioning. It's pan and scan so who cares!? Also, it appears to have gone out of print almost as soon as it came out. These are the region 1 discs you are seeing all over ebay so be careful - they usually forget to mention it's not widescreen.
Hong Kong (region 0): Several no region code DVDs of Lost Highway from Hong Kong have started showing up on ebay. These are full frame and thus should be avoided.
UK (region 2 PAL): Universal released this title on June 3, 2002 as a part of their Budget Title line. The only extra is a trailer. The quality is pretty poor.
Japan (region 2 NTSC): The disc is a fair transfer, especially considering the difficulties of reproducing the high contrasts of some scenes in NTSC. The bit rate is a bit low however, and some artificating is noticable. It would have been better if they'd made it dual layered and pushed up the bit rate. The disc also contains the French trailer and two Japanese trailers. There's also what appear to be production notes or cast information or something, but since I can't read Japanese I have no idea!
Germany (region 2 PAL): The disc is widescreen in the proper 2:35:1 ratio and 16x9 enhanced. It contains English and German soundtracks. The disc is pretty sharp with very little artifacting. Also included are the trailers to Lost Highway and Straight Story as well as a couple of others. All trailers are in German only. There are also short interviews with Lynch and some of the cast, all in English.
France (region 2 PAL): Lost Highway was released on March 21, 2001 in France by by TF1. The disc is in the proper 2:35:1 ratio and 16x9 enhanced. It contains DD 2.0 French and English soundtracks. The English subtitles are burned on the picture, so they can't be removed. Extras include a 10 minute interview with Lynch, filmographies, internet links and a trailer. You can get more information here. (thanks to both Stephane Christl, David Paté and Chris Bonham for the info).
Netherlands (region 2 PAL): The disc is non-anamorphic 2.35:1 widescreen, 2.0 Dolby Surround audio, English and French languages with Dutch and French subtitles. Extras include: Scene selection, Interviews (cast and director), Filmography, Trailer, Featurette and Behind the scenes. (thanks to Dannis van Vuurden and Randy van Rijn for the info)
Australia (region 4): Anamorphically enhanced widescreen transfer, Dolby 2.0 Stereo, Animated menus, Theatrical Trailers, Cast Interviews/Biographies, Behind The Scenes (actually the Lost Highway segments from Pretty as a Picture). Released on July 25th, 2001 by Siren Entertainment. Unfortunately, the image contains the reel change marks (burn marks). (thanks to Adam Harding and Chris Bonham for the info).

SS Canada The Straight Story:
Spanish DVD set back USA (region 1): It was released on November 7 in region 1 (US). The disc is anamorphic widescreen and contains the theatrical trailer. At Lynch's request there are no chapter stops. The quality of the transfer is so-so, nowhere near as good as the UK disc. Disney hardlly promoted it and it probably won't be around very long before it goes out of print. If you are looking to buy this disc, I'd suggest you do so quickly. You can purchase it here.
Canada (region 1): The first release was yet another crappy pan and scan Canadian disc. Avoid it at all costs. Alliance-Atlantis has released a second, anamorphic widescreen disc now. The disc includes a 5.1 Dolby Digital soundtrack and no other features. (thanks to Murray Wasylnuk for the info)
Japan (region 2 NTSC):The disc contains: English 5.1 Dolby Surround, Japanese 5.1 Dolby Surround, English DTS 5.1 Surround, Interview with David Lynch (conducted in Japan), Interview with Richard Farnsworth (conducted in Japan), Richard Farnsworth press conference in Japan where he answers questions, various trailers for the movie. (thanks to Jason Henwood for the info).
UK Straight Story DVD UK (region 2 PAL): There are no extras other than a trailer. The disc is anamorphic with 5.1 DD. It looks great!
France (region 2 PAL): The disc uses the same transfer as the UK one, but also includes a five minute documentary from the a Canal + show "Le Journal Du Cinéma" as well as Lynch's and Farnsworth's filmographies. It includes filmographies, a trailer and more. You can find more information on the disc here. (thanks to David Pate for the info)
Germany (region 2 PAL): The disc includes: 22 chapters, chapter selection, english 5.1 soundtrack with forced german subtitles, dubbed german 5.1 soundtrack, dubbed german 5.1 soundtrack with german subtitles, Richard Farnsworth "In Memoriam" special featuring: honors and awards, biography, filmography, filmography (stunts) and trailers. Also on the disc are trailers for La Vita É Bella, Message In A Bottle, Good Will Hunting, Lost Highway, Malcom X and of course The Straight story. (thanks to hop for the info)
Spain (region 2 PAL): Straight Story is available in Spain as a part of a David Lynch DVD box set containing it, Eraserhead and Dune. It is presented 2.35:1 with Dolby Digital 5.1 sound. (thanks to Denise Gannon for the infomation).

Mulholland Drive:
USA (region 1):
Universal Studios Home Video Announces
Academy Award Nomination - "Best Director"

The Most Acclaimed Film of the Year Cruises to DVD and VHS April 9, 2002
Universal City, California, February 14 2002 - Hailed by over a 150 critics as one of the "Top 10 Best Films" of the year and an Academy Award nominee for "Best Director", the erotically-charged thriller, Mulholland Drive, cruises onto DVD for $24.95 MAP and VHS rental on April 9, 2002. Order close is March 5 for the DVD and March 19 for the VHS.
Mulholland Drive was also nominated for four Golden Globe Awards including "Best Picture - Drama", "Best Director," "Best Screenplay" and "Best Original Score" and voted "Best Picture" by the National Society of Film Critics, the New York Film Critics Circle, the Boston Society of Film Critics and the Broadcast Film Critics Association.
Other accolades include "Best Director" for the inimitable David Lynch by the Los Angeles Film Critics, the Chicago Film Critics Association, the Boston Society of Film Critics, the New York Film Critics Online, Screen International and at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival.
Naomi Watt's star turn was also selected as "Breakthrough Performance of the Year" by the National Board of Review.
Written and directed by David Lynch, Mulholland Drive features some of the year's freshest, most unpredictable performances by newcomers Watts, Justin Theroux (Zoolander), and Laura Elena-Harring (Little Nicky). Veteran stars Ann Miller, Robert Forster, and Lee Grant co-star, adding a touch of Hollywood mystique to one of the most original and unusual films of the year.
Called "Hypnotic" by Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times, "A maniacal thrill!" by the New York Times and "Dangerous and addictive" by the L.A. Daily News, Mulholland Drive has impressed film reviewers and audiences alike, becoming one of the most talked-about, sensual and controversial films of the year, filled with baffling surprises and unforgettable dreamlike images. As Peter Travers, Rolling Stone writes: "There's nothing like this baby anywhere! This sinful pleasure is a fresh triumph for Lynch, and one of the best films of the year. Visionary daring, swooning eroticism and colors that pop like a whore's lip gloss!"...
Further information can be found at There will be a 45-day Pay Per View window.
Along Mulholland Drive, nothing is what it seems. In this complex tale of mystery and suspense, set in the unreal universe of Los Angeles, writer/director David Lynch explores the city's schizophrenic nature, an uneasy blend of innocence and corruption, love and loneliness, beauty and depravity, sensibility and sexuality. Lynch skillfully constructs a mesmerizing puzzle, propelling us through a mysterious labyrinth of sensual experiences until we arrive at the intersection where dreams and nightmares meet.
Writer/Director: David Lynch
Producer/Editor: Mary Sweeney
Producer: Alain Sarde, Neal Edelstein, Michael Polaire, Tony Krantz
Executive Producer: Pierre Edelman
Cinematographer: Peter Deming
Production Designer: Jack Fisk
Composer: Angelo Badalamenti
Cast: Justin Theroux, Naomi Watts, Laura Elena-Harring, Ann Miller, Dan Hedaya, Robert Forster, Mark Pellegrino, Brent Briscoe
Street Date: April 9, 2002
Order Close: March 19, 2002
Copyright: © 2001 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.
Rating: R (for violence, language and some strong sexuality)
Suggested Retail Price: None
Selection Number: 89736
Running Time: 2 hrs, 27 min
Technical Information: VHS / Color / Digital Stereo Surround HiFi / CC
Street Date: April 9, 2002
Order Close: March 5, 2002
Copyright: © 2001 Universal Focus. All Rights Reserved.
Rating: R (for violence, language and some strong sexuality)
MAP: $24.95
Selection Number: 21780
Running Time: 2 hrs, 27 min
Language: English 5.1 Surround DTS, Captioned; French & Spanish Subtitled
Aspect Ratio: Anamorphic Widescreen 1.85:1
Layers: Dual
Order the Mulholland Drive on DVD from here!

DVD Menu Images:

Korea (region 0): The Korean DVD of Mulholland Drive is loaded with special features and has the same transfer as the US disc (minus the DTS soundtrack). You can read Lynchnet's full review of the DVD here.
France (region 2 PAL): Universal released Mulholland Drive in France on September 2, 2002. You can read Lynchnet's full review here. The disc includes both a Dolby Digital 5.1 and French 5.1 soundtrack, as well as French subtitles. Extras include:
The Making of Documentary
Interviews with Mary Sweeney and Angelo Badalamenti
Cannes 2001 Press Conference
Location Photo Gallery web address
Chapter Stops (sort of)
Sweden (region 2): The Sweedish disc contains interviews with Lynch, Harring and Watts, as well as the theatrical trailer. (thanks to Jack Nutting for the info)
Finland (region 2): The Finnish dvd specs are as follows: - anamorphic widescreen 1,85:1
- DTS 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1 and 2.0 Surround sound in English
- chapter stops
- optional subtitles in Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish
- extras:
- interviews with Naomi Watts, Laura Elena Harring, Justin Theroux and David Lynch,
- b-roll footage of Lynch directing the cast etc.,
- trailer
- Lynch's 10 "clues" about unlocking the mystery of the film
(thanks to Janne Erkkilä for the DVD specs)
Australia (region 4): Roadshow Video released Mulholland Drive on DVD July 3, 2002. Suggested Retail Price is $39.95. (thanks to Adam Harding for the info)
MULHOLLAND DRIVE DVD SPECIAL FEATURES: You can read's review here,'s review here, and's review here.
Mexico (region 4): Videomax has released MD in Mexico. Unfortunately the transfer is full frame. It has English and Spanish 2.0 soundtracks only. Extras include:
-Soundtrack (the complete soundtrack - not an isolated track).
-Interviews: Naomi Watts, Laura Harring, Justin Theroux and David Lynch
-10 clues to solve the mistery
-Behind the cameras
(thanks to Hector Gutierrez for the info)

On the Air and Hotel Room:
USA (region 1): The rights to both these titles currently reside with Artisan. However, the rights will revert to Paramount eventually. There's no telling if Artisan will put them out before they lose the rights. Given the sales of the Twin Peaks sets you'd think it'd be a natural thing to do. But given how long it's taking Artisan to put out the Twin Peaks discs, there's a good chance they'll lose the rights before they'd ever get around to it. Once the rights revert to Paramount the odds aren't too good that we'd see them anytime soon if ever.

boxing helena dvd Lumiere and Company:
USA: Contains the Lynch short "Premonitions Following an Evil Deed." The disc is available from Fox Lorber. It is not region encoded so it will play on any NTSC player. You can order the DVD online here.

Pretty As A Picture:The Art Of David Lynch:
USA (region 1): The DVD includes fifteen minutes of additional footage not available on the tape version (which already contained 20 minutes of additional footage over the Bravo/IFC version). Some of the new footage includes stories from Peggy Reavy, Jack Fisk, Mel Brooks, and the story with David Lynch and Catherine Coulson of how the "log lady" came into being. You can order the DVD online here.

Boxing Helena:
USA (region 1): Directed by Jennifer Lynch. MGM will release the film as a part of their Avante Garde Cinema series. It does not contain any of the extras that were available on the LD box set. The disc is 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen, English 2.0 stereo only.

USA (region 1): Produced by Mary Sweeney, Executive Produced by Lynch. Lynch has a cameo as the Morgue Receptionist. This title was released in the US, but has gone out of print. You may be able to find one used at

Japanese LH DVD   German LH DVD   Japanese WAH DVD

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