Sex and Power
Suspicion and Violence
Clean and Dirty Thoughts
The World of David Lynch and Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me
Meet Laura Palmer...
In a Town Where Nothing is As it Seems...
And Everyone Has Something To Hide.

Press Kit
The official New Line
Cinema press kit.

articles Articles and Interviews relating to FWWM.

Pictures Pictures from the film

Info on the soundtrack

Nominations and
Wins for FWWM

Audio clips

Offsite reviews and articles

The shooting script

dvd review
Review of New Line's DVD

Curious Woman Interview
An interview with
Ingrid Brucato

Free from the censorship restrictions of television, David Lynch once again returned to that idyllic setting in the Pacific Northwest, where just beneath its tranquil surface lurks a sinister world of weird villagers with dark erotic secrets.
After the series completed its network run, Lynch felt there were still more Twin Peaks stories to tell, this time without the restrictions of television censorship.
Lynch: "(I found myself) falling in love with the place. A small town surrounded by deep woods...It's almost like a fairy tale. I had to go back in."
Sheryl Lee: "Nothing that happened in the series (holds) a candle to the scenes in (TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME), the TV censors saw to that."
Kyle MacLachlan: "(The citizens of Twin Peaks) have certain quirks of behavior. Usually, in a film, you'll have one character who is a little off-kilter and he's used for comic relief. Here it's's all about these little moments of behavior. It's like sitting down and just watching people..." Joining MacLachlan (Agent Dale Cooper) and Lee (Laura Palmer) are series veterans Ray Wise (Leland Palmer), James Marshall (James Hurley), Dana Ashbrook (Bobby Briggs), Grace Zabriskie (Sarah Palmer), Catherine E. Colson (The Log Lady), Michael J. Anderson (The Man from Another Place) and Frank Silva (BOB). Appearing in cameo roles are a diverse series of familar faces: David Bowie, Chris Isaak, Jurgen Prochnow, Harry Dean Stanton, Kiefer Sutherland, Miguel Ferrer and Pamela Gidley. Moira Kelly (Chaplin, The Cutting Edge) replaces Lara Flynn Boyle as Donna Hayward, Laura Palmer's best friend.
Also returning for the feature film is composer Angelo Badalamenti, winner of a Grammy for his "Twin Peaks" score. Beginning his association with David Lynch with Blue Velvet, he went on to compose the score for Wild at Heart as well as co-composing (with Lynch) the Brooklyn Academy of Music's theatrical production of "Industrial Symphony #1."
Besides the return of key personnel and series characters, TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME also includes several scenes taking place inside the Red Room, a setting Lynch developed for the TV series. These sequences were shot backwards - the actors moved in reverse and spoke in mirror language, reading from right to left. The footage was then reversed, creating a surreal effect that in Lynch's words, perhaps, can also sum up both his unique approach to filmmaking as well as the overall concept of "Twin Peaks":
"I just sort of took off and got into a very strange world."

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