A woman menaced, a deadly dream...

Mulholland Drive

Release Dates:
US: October 12, 2001 (limited release)
US: October 19, 2001 (wide release)
Canada: October 26, 2001 (wide release)
France: November 23, 2001
Germany: Janaury 3, 2002
UK: Janaury 4, 2002
Belgium: Janaury 9, 2002
Australia: January 31, 2002
Netherlands: February 22nd, 2002
Czech Republic: February 28th, 2002
Israel: March 7th, 2002
Brazil: April 16, 2002

Mulholland Drive is a complex tale of suspense, set in the unreal universe of Los Angeles. Along Mulholland Drive nothing is what it seems. In the film, Writer/Director David Lynch explores the city's schizophrenic nature, an uneasy blend of innocence and corruption, love and loneliness, beauty and depravity. He skillfully constructs a mesmerizing puzzle, propelling us through a mysterious labyrinth of sensual experiences until we arrive at the intersection where dreams and nightmares meet.

Press Kit
The official Universal Focus press kit.

articles Articles and Interviews about MD and the cast.

Pictures Pictures from the film

Info on the soundtrack

Nominations and Wins for Mulholland Drive

DVD Review
A look at the US DVD

French DVD Review
A look at the French DVD

Press Kit
The German Press Kit
(in German)

The cast and crew

Film clips
Trailers and
movie clips

The ABC pilot script

Offsite reviews and articles

DVD Review
A look at the
Korean DVD

Canal Plus purchased the rights to Mulholland Drive from ABC. A new ending and other scenes have been filmed and added to the pilot to make a theatrical film. It premiered at this year's Cannes Film Festival in competition. Lynch won Best Director for the film.

Far left: Producer Michael Polaire. Lynch has his back to the camera. This small complex was used as Coco's home.

Lynch's Picture Factory joined with Imagine Television in association with Touchstone Television to produce a two-hour ABC pilot titled "Mulholland Drive." ABC passed on it for the fall 99 season. The reason was due to the violence in the pilot (the decision came in the wake of the Colorado shootings). With all the political pressure out now for Hollywood to clean things up it seems ABC got scared and passed on it. Lynch told Premiere magazine, "All I know is, I loved making it, ABC hated it, and I don't like the cut I turned in. I agreed with ABC that the longer cut was too slow, but I was forced to butcher it because we had a deadline, and there wasn't time to finesse anything. It lost texture, big scenes, and storylines, and there are 300 tape copies of the bad version circulating around. Lots of people have seen it, which is embarrassing, because they're bad-quality tapes, too. I don't want to think about it."

The ensemble drama was to explore the desires and fears of two women beset by a mystery in Los Angeles. Cast members included Ann Miller (Coco), Dan Hedaya, Naomi Watts, Laura Harring (Rita), Gary Dowdan, Justin Thoreaux (Adam Kersher), Robert Forester, Billy Ray Cyrus (Gene) and Michael Anderson (Mr. Roque). Lynch was also trying to lure actress Helen Mirren from Great Britain to be in the series. Marilyn Manson was also to make cameos in the series when time permitted.

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